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Zerbrochene Träume: Eine Schützende Wasserspeier-Romanze EBOOK

Zerbrochene Träume: Eine Schützende Wasserspeier-Romanze EBOOK

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Seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter kennt Rochelle nur noch Pech. Sie schafft es kaum, ihr Studium zwischen zwei Jobs durchzuziehen, während sie mit ihrem Bald-Ex-Freund zusammenlebt, wenn er ihr nur lange genug zuhören würde, um zu verstehen, dass es vorbei ist... Es ist alles, was sie tun kann, um die Fassung zu bewahren.
Bis sie Ben trifft, einen Künstlerkollegen, der ihr hilft, sich zu befreien. Doch Ben hat seine eigenen dunklen Geheimnisse und eine Vergangenheit, die düsterer ist, als Rochelle sich vorstellen kann...
Nach einem verpfuschten Ritual begraben, erwacht Ben als Gargoyle-Beschützer. Der Gargoyle-Fluch zwingt ihn dazu, Rochelle zu beschützen, aber Ben hat auch seine eigene Mission: seine verlorenen Brüder zu finden, den Mann zu jagen, der sie verflucht hat, und ihn für seine Verbrechen bezahlen zu lassen.
Ben dachte, er hätte ihn bereits getötet, aber dieses Mal wird er sicherstellen, dass er den Mistkerl endgültig in die Hölle schickt... selbst wenn er dafür den Teufel persönlich beschwören muss.


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Seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter kennt Rochelle nur noch Pech. Sie schafft es kaum, ihr Studium zwischen zwei Jobs durchzuziehen, während sie mit ihrem Bald-Ex-Freund zusammenlebt, wenn er ihr nur lange genug zuhören würde, um zu verstehen, dass es vorbei ist... Es ist alles, was sie tun kann, um die Fassung zu bewahren.
Bis sie Ben trifft, einen Künstlerkollegen, der ihr hilft, sich zu befreien. Doch Ben hat seine eigenen dunklen Geheimnisse und eine Vergangenheit, die düsterer ist, als Rochelle sich vorstellen kann...
Nach einem verpfuschten Ritual begraben, erwacht Ben als Gargoyle-Beschützer. Der Gargoyle-Fluch zwingt ihn dazu, Rochelle zu beschützen, aber Ben hat auch seine eigene Mission: seine verlorenen Brüder zu finden, den Mann zu jagen, der sie verflucht hat, und ihn für seine Verbrechen bezahlen zu lassen.
Ben dachte, er hätte ihn bereits getötet, aber dieses Mal wird er sicherstellen, dass er den Mistkerl endgültig in die Hölle schickt... selbst wenn er dafür den Teufel persönlich beschwören muss.

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Lesereihenfolge der Serie

Schützende Wasserspeier Lesereihenfolge

Herz aus Stein Serie

Herz aus Stein (#0)

Zerbrochene Ketten (#1)

Zerbrochene Bande (#2)

Zerbrochene Träume (#3)


Herz aus Stahl Serie

Herz aus Stahl (#0)

Steinbeschützer (#1)

Steinmaster (#2)

Steinwächter (#3)

Steinschatten (#4)


Herz aus Eis Serie

Fenrir (#0)

Thor (#1)

Loki (#2)

Odin (#3)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
A wonderful story.

A wonderful story. Ben Stone and Rochell Bourke were introduced in the previous title of the series. This title shares their story in considerably more detail; a well-woven tale with very real emotions. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.I received a review copy of this book from a third party. This is my honest review.

Enjoyable read

Fun wrap-up of the brothers' stories. I enjoyed the book, but wish it had given me more depth in the final pages which is my only drawback. I would have loved more details. I am looking forward to reading about their uncle's story.

Pose For Me

Ben Stone digs himself up and finds himself in the middle of a football field. What kind of magic is it that butcher Pierce performed on him hundreds of ago that he is still alive and can walk through walls, but no matter that, he must seek vengeance for his brothers Tor and Dunstan deaths. Well at least now he can take those art classes he always wanted to, but couldn't, he'll just have to do it from the rafters.
He finds that he can't get that beauty he met by the field throwing rocks, out of his mind, he must follow her wherever she may be, which turns out to be the coffee shop where she works and a place where he is able to make a living with his art.But will Rochelle still want to be with him when she learns that her lover is a gargoyle and a convicted murderer hundreds of years ago at that?The art that Ben creates depicting himself with Rochelle in their passionate moments will have you sweating bullets!

Jedi family
Ben's turn

Book 3 and I could not wait to meet Ben after the tease of him at the end of book 2. I was a little surprised by how much Ben remembered compared to that of his brothers, but that is eventually explained.I enjoyed the overlap with books 1 and 2 and getting to see the explanation behind the videos that get posted of Moth man. I liked how much more worldly Ben is compared to his brothers. Story was a compelling read that I had a hard time putting down even when my break at work was over. I have enjoyed all 3 stories and am looking forward to the new series.I received an advanced copy of this story and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

Heart of Stone

After a bit of a rough start in this series (my opinion only), it ended very well. The writing seems to smooth out and more life was added to the characters. Some twists, unexpected turns, and a very good read.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
A wonderful story.

A wonderful story. Ben Stone and Rochell Bourke were introduced in the previous title of the series. This title shares their story in considerably more detail; a well-woven tale with very real emotions. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.I received a review copy of this book from a third party. This is my honest review.

Enjoyable read

Fun wrap-up of the brothers' stories. I enjoyed the book, but wish it had given me more depth in the final pages which is my only drawback. I would have loved more details. I am looking forward to reading about their uncle's story.

Pose For Me

Ben Stone digs himself up and finds himself in the middle of a football field. What kind of magic is it that butcher Pierce performed on him hundreds of ago that he is still alive and can walk through walls, but no matter that, he must seek vengeance for his brothers Tor and Dunstan deaths. Well at least now he can take those art classes he always wanted to, but couldn't, he'll just have to do it from the rafters.
He finds that he can't get that beauty he met by the field throwing rocks, out of his mind, he must follow her wherever she may be, which turns out to be the coffee shop where she works and a place where he is able to make a living with his art.But will Rochelle still want to be with him when she learns that her lover is a gargoyle and a convicted murderer hundreds of years ago at that?The art that Ben creates depicting himself with Rochelle in their passionate moments will have you sweating bullets!

Jedi family
Ben's turn

Book 3 and I could not wait to meet Ben after the tease of him at the end of book 2. I was a little surprised by how much Ben remembered compared to that of his brothers, but that is eventually explained.I enjoyed the overlap with books 1 and 2 and getting to see the explanation behind the videos that get posted of Moth man. I liked how much more worldly Ben is compared to his brothers. Story was a compelling read that I had a hard time putting down even when my break at work was over. I have enjoyed all 3 stories and am looking forward to the new series.I received an advanced copy of this story and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

Heart of Stone

After a bit of a rough start in this series (my opinion only), it ended very well. The writing seems to smooth out and more life was added to the characters. Some twists, unexpected turns, and a very good read.

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
A wonderful story.

A wonderful story. Ben Stone and Rochell Bourke were introduced in the previous title of the series. This title shares their story in considerably more detail; a well-woven tale with very real emotions. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.I received a review copy of this book from a third party. This is my honest review.

Enjoyable read

Fun wrap-up of the brothers' stories. I enjoyed the book, but wish it had given me more depth in the final pages which is my only drawback. I would have loved more details. I am looking forward to reading about their uncle's story.

Pose For Me

Ben Stone digs himself up and finds himself in the middle of a football field. What kind of magic is it that butcher Pierce performed on him hundreds of ago that he is still alive and can walk through walls, but no matter that, he must seek vengeance for his brothers Tor and Dunstan deaths. Well at least now he can take those art classes he always wanted to, but couldn't, he'll just have to do it from the rafters.
He finds that he can't get that beauty he met by the field throwing rocks, out of his mind, he must follow her wherever she may be, which turns out to be the coffee shop where she works and a place where he is able to make a living with his art.But will Rochelle still want to be with him when she learns that her lover is a gargoyle and a convicted murderer hundreds of years ago at that?The art that Ben creates depicting himself with Rochelle in their passionate moments will have you sweating bullets!

Jedi family
Ben's turn

Book 3 and I could not wait to meet Ben after the tease of him at the end of book 2. I was a little surprised by how much Ben remembered compared to that of his brothers, but that is eventually explained.I enjoyed the overlap with books 1 and 2 and getting to see the explanation behind the videos that get posted of Moth man. I liked how much more worldly Ben is compared to his brothers. Story was a compelling read that I had a hard time putting down even when my break at work was over. I have enjoyed all 3 stories and am looking forward to the new series.I received an advanced copy of this story and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

Heart of Stone

After a bit of a rough start in this series (my opinion only), it ended very well. The writing seems to smooth out and more life was added to the characters. Some twists, unexpected turns, and a very good read.