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Paquete de libros electrónicos de la serie Colonia: Feriados

Paquete de libros electrónicos de la serie Colonia: Feriados

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Abducciones extraterrestres. Aventuras en el espacio. Todo con la esperanza de un final feliz.

Enamórate de esta colección de otro mundo de seis historias de romance y deseos extraterrestres.
Emparejamientos interestelares, abducciones por extraterrestres, strippers estelares y héroes que salvan el día incluso en el frío del espacio. Encuentra tu pareja perfecta en la Colonia hoy.

Esta colección incluye:

👽Cowboys and Aliens


Descripción del libro

👽Cowboys and Aliens

Cuando su jefe la carga con la tarea de planificar una celebración adecuada para el primer aniversario de la Colonia, Rana opta por una antigua tradición estadounidense: el Día de Acción de Gracias. Solo hay un problema... ¿qué es un pavo y dónde puede conseguir uno?
Byron huyó de la Tierra tras una tragedia. Ahora, hará cualquier cosa para proteger su nueva granja en el espacio, incluso luchar contra alienígenas. No importa lo atractivos que puedan ser.
¿Podrán un vaquero y una alienígena dejar de lado sus diferencias, celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias Y encontrar el amor?


Toda su vida, la enfermera Maia se ha burlado de las historias de abducciones alienígenas y experimentos de reproducción. Hasta que despierta en una extraña nave espacial, con un bebé en camino.
Ahora Maia está decidida a enseñarle a su captor alienígena que las chicas de la Tierra NO son fáciles, y que puede haber cometido el mayor error de su vida.
A menos que no lo haya hecho...


Es Nochevieja... otra vez.

Cada Nochevieja, Vulcano sube al escenario en el club más exclusivo de la Colonia. Y cada Nochevieja, la tímida bibliotecaria Hestia ocupa la misma mesa para ver el espectáculo.
Pero este año, Hestia está haciendo un propósito de Año Nuevo que podría cambiarlo todo.
Si se atreve...


Como Cupido, Orel tiene mucha experiencia ayudando a otras personas a encontrar el amor, aunque él no tenga suerte en ese departamento. Pero cuando termina cubriendo a otro Cupido en un evento de citas rápidas para solteros en la víspera del Día de San Valentín, se atreve a tener esperanza.
¿Podrá un Cupido solitario encontrar el amor?
¿O también caerá víctima de la maldición de Cupido?


Anna, viuda de guerra, está lista para abrazar una nueva vida en la Colonia. Un nuevo comienzo dando vida a especies extintas es justo lo que necesita para superar la pérdida de su esposo.
Hasta que descubre que su esposo no está muerto...


Cuando la audiencia del presentador de noticias Prometheus cae en picado, se enfrenta a un ultimátum: conseguir más espectadores o perder su trabajo. Así que, con su festividad favorita, el Día de los Inocentes, a la vuelta de la esquina, se le ocurre el plan perfecto: una broma tan convincente que todos en la Colonia estarán viendo su programa.
Hasta que su historia inventada resulta ser verdad...

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Orden de lectura de la serie

Orden de lectura de la serie:

Colonia: Aqua serie

Chaos (#0)

Halcyon (#1)

Poseidon (#2)


Colonia: Feriados serie

Cowboys and Aliens (#1)

Ghost (#2)

Vulcan (#3)

Cupid (#4)


Prometheus (#6)


Colonia: Nyx serie

Fang (#1)

Talon (#2)

Claw (#3)

Horns (#4)

Wings (#5)

Shade (#6)

Dark (#7)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.

Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.