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Pacchetto EBOOK Colony: Feste Complete Series

Pacchetto EBOOK Colony: Feste Complete Series

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Rapimenti alieni. Avventure nello spazio. Tutto nella speranza di un lieto fine.

Innamorati di questa raccolta fuori dal mondo di sei racconti di romanticismo e desideri alieni.
Matchmaking interstellare, rapimenti da parte di alieni, spogliarelliste delle star ed eroi che salvano la situazione anche nel freddo dello spazio. Trova oggi stesso il tuo partner perfetto nella Colonia.

Questa raccolta include:

👽Cowboys and Aliens


Descrizione del libro

👽Cowboys and Aliens

Quando il suo capo le affida il compito di pianificare una celebrazione adeguata per il primo anniversario della Colonia, Rana opta per un'antica tradizione americana: il Ringraziamento. C'è solo un problema... cos'è un tacchino e dove può trovarne uno?
Byron è fuggito dalla Terra in seguito a una tragedia. Ora, farà qualsiasi cosa per proteggere la sua nuova fattoria nello spazio, incluso combattere contro gli alieni. Non importa quanto possano essere attraenti.
Possono un cowboy e un'aliena mettere da parte le loro differenze, celebrare il Ringraziamento E trovare l'amore?


Per tutta la vita, l'infermiera Maia ha deriso le storie di rapimenti alieni ed esperimenti di riproduzione. Fino a quando non si sveglia su una strana astronave, con un bambino in arrivo.
Ora Maia è determinata a insegnare al suo rapitore alieno che le ragazze terrestri NON sono facili, e che potrebbe aver commesso il più grande errore della sua vita.
A meno che non sia così...


È la vigilia di Capodanno...di nuovo.

Ogni vigilia di Capodanno, Vulcan sale sul palco del club più esclusivo della Colonia. E ogni vigilia di Capodanno, la timida bibliotecaria Hestia prende lo stesso tavolo per guardare lo spettacolo.
Ma quest'anno, Hestia sta facendo un proposito per l'anno nuovo che potrebbe cambiare tutto.
Se solo osasse...


Come Cupido, Orel ha molta esperienza nell'aiutare altre persone a trovare l'amore, anche se lui è sfortunato in quel campo. Ma quando si ritrova a sostituire un altro Cupido a un evento di speed dating per single in vista di San Valentino, osa sperare.
Può un Cupido solitario trovare l'amore?
O cadrà anche lui vittima della maledizione di Cupido?


Anna, vedova di guerra, è pronta ad abbracciare una nuova vita nella Colonia. Un nuovo inizio che riporta in vita specie estinte è proprio ciò di cui ha bisogno per superare la perdita di suo marito.
Finché non scopre che suo marito non è morto...


Quando gli ascolti dell'anchorman Prometheus calano, si trova di fronte a un ultimatum: ottenere più spettatori o perdere il lavoro. Così, con l'avvicinarsi della sua festa preferita, il Pesce d'Aprile, escogita il piano perfetto: uno scherzo così avvincente che tutti nella Colonia guarderanno il suo programma.
Finché la sua notizia inventata non si rivela vera...

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Ordine di lettura delle serie

Ordine di lettura della serie:

Colony: Aqua serie

Chaos (#0)

Halcyon (#1)

Poseidon (#2)


Colony: Feste serie

Cowboys and Aliens (#1)

Ghost (#2)

Vulcan (#3)

Cupid (#4)


Prometheus (#6)


Colony: Nyx serie

Fang (#1)

Talon (#2)

Claw (#3)

Horns (#4)

Wings (#5)

Shade (#6)

Dark (#7)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.

Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews

The story was a short and sweet one. Who doesn't love a green cupid? Supposedly quite a few people. Especially if the color will clash with their complexion.

Spunky woman and a sweet alien's love story

A strong smart woman wakes up and finds herself kidnapped and pregnant. She uses her skills to get rid of the kidnapper but can't fly the ship and give birth alone! Help arrives in the form of a sexy alien. Their story is a slow burn romance with some good action scenes. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. It is a quick and easy read with a really good and unique storyline.

Sally Jo Mikush
A cute alien love story.

What happens when a cowboy from Earth meets an alien girl in a colony in space. The cutest love story. Even Bessie the cow is cute. Byron only wanted to replace his sick cows and Rana wanted to find meat for the Thanksgiving festival she was in charge of. When they meet that all changes and sparks fly.

Tammy Moldovan
A fun alien romance

I enjoyed Raina and Byron's alien romance. The book included sweet moments, steamy scenes, and relatable issues. Despite the book being short, it included interesting dialogue, characters that were fairly well developed, and a storyline that was engaging. I only wish it was longer.

Cute 3.5

Short but cute. A futuristic Thanksgiving with a side of corny lines. If your looking for a quick story to entertain you, this is for you. I wished there was more to this story.