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Nachtmerries-trilogie EBOOK-bundel

Nachtmerries-trilogie EBOOK-bundel

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Koop nu de complete serie voor een koopje
Sluit je aan bij meer dan 500.000 lezers die van deze romantische suspenseserie hielden


Deze bundel is inclusief:

🔪Nachtmerries van Caitlin Lockyer

🔪Noodzakelijk Kwaad van Nathan Miller

🔪Het Hiernamaals van Alanna Miller


🔪Nachtmerries van Caitlin Lockyer

Ik heb haar leven gered. Ze noemden me een held. Maar ze kenden niet het hele verhaal...
En als iemand erachter komt, is zij degene die met haar leven zal betalen.
Caitlins nachtmerries bevatten de sleutel tot het vinden van de moordenaar van mijn zus.
Maar hoe meer van haar duistere geheimen ik ontdek, hoe dieper ik val.
Verliefd op het meisje dat verboden zou moeten zijn.
Hoe kan ik haar veilig houden... als het grootste gevaar voor haar ikzelf ben?

🔪Noodzakelijk Kwaad van Nathan Miller

Ze noemden me een engel. Ze hadden het mis.
Om te beginnen was ik, ondanks alles wat ze me aandeden, nog steeds in leven.
En engelen horen niet te hunkeren naar wraak...
Of verliefd te worden op de man die me redde.
Een man met zijn eigen duistere geheimen.
Geheimen waarvoor Nathan zal doden om ze te beschermen...

🔪Het Hiernamaals van Alanna Miller

Vijf jaar geleden stortte Nathans wereld in. Het getuigenbeschermingsprogramma ontnam hem de vrouw van wie hij hield en nu heeft hij alles verloren - inclusief de hoop dat ze nog in leven is. Zijn baan in de beveiliging is een dagelijkse herinnering aan het meisje dat hij niet kon beschermen, en duwt hem steeds dieper in de wanhoop.
Gedwongen om de identiteit van een dood meisje aan te nemen, worstelt Caitlin om op te staan uit de puinhopen van het leven dat ze verloor. Een carrièreswitch roept haar terug naar huis, maar Perth blijkt niet de veilige haven te zijn die het lijkt. Iemand jaagt op haar - een van haar ontvoerders, een lang verloren familielid of een andere terrorist met een appeltje te schillen?
Wanneer nachtmerries uit hun verleden Nathan en Caitlin dreigen te overspoelen, kunnen een gebroken held en een meisje dat het hiernamaals van een andere vrouw leeft eindelijk hun weg naar de vrijheid vechten?

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Leesvolgorde van series

🔪Nachtmerries van Caitlin Lockyer

🔪Noodzakelijk Kwaad van Nathan Miller

🔪Het Hiernamaals van Alanna Miller

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Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!

Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!