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Dieses Paket enthält:

🔪Albträume von Caitlin Lockyer

🔪Notwendiges Übel von Nathan Miller

🔪Nachleben von Alanna Miller


🔪Albträume von Caitlin Lockyer

Ich habe ihr Leben gerettet. Sie nannten mich einen Helden. Aber sie kannten nicht die ganze Geschichte...
Und wenn jemand dahinterkommt, wird sie diejenige sein, die mit ihrem Leben bezahlt.
Caitlins Albträume bergen den Schlüssel zur Aufklärung des Mordes an meiner Schwester.
Aber je mehr ihrer dunklen Geheimnisse ich aufdecke, desto tiefer falle ich.
Verliebt in das Mädchen, das tabu sein sollte.
Wie kann ich sie beschützen... wenn die größte Gefahr für sie ich selbst bin?

🔪Notwendiges Übel von Nathan Miller

Sie nannten mich einen Engel. Sie lagen falsch.
Erstens war ich trotz allem, was sie mir angetan hatten, immer noch am Leben.
Und Engel sollen doch nicht nach Rache dürsten...
Oder sich in den Mann verlieben, der mich gerettet hat.
Einen Mann mit eigenen dunklen Geheimnissen.
Geheimnisse, für die Nathan töten würde, um sie zu schützen...

🔪Nachleben von Alanna Miller

Vor fünf Jahren brach Nathans Welt zusammen. Das Zeugenschutzprogramm raubte ihm die Frau, die er liebte, und jetzt hat er alles verloren – sogar die Hoffnung, dass sie noch am Leben ist. Sein Job im Sicherheitsdienst erinnert ihn täglich an das Mädchen, das er nicht beschützen konnte, und zieht ihn immer tiefer in die Verzweiflung.
Gezwungen, die Identität eines toten Mädchens anzunehmen, kämpft Caitlin darum, aus den Trümmern ihres verlorenen Lebens aufzustehen. Ein Karrierewechsel ruft sie nach Hause, aber Perth ist nicht der sichere Hafen, den es zu sein scheint. Jemand jagt sie – einer ihrer Entführer, ein lang verlorener Verwandter oder ein anderer Terrorist mit einer offenen Rechnung?
Als Albträume aus ihrer Vergangenheit drohen, Nathan und Caitlin zu verschlingen, können ein gebrochener Held und ein Mädchen, das das Leben einer anderen Frau lebt, sich endlich den Weg in die Freiheit erkämpfen?

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🔪Albträume von Caitlin Lockyer

🔪Notwendiges Übel von Nathan Miller

🔪Nachleben von Alanna Miller

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Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!

Customer Reviews

Based on 414 reviews
Never give up

This story was so realistic. I loved reading this. It shows how strong you can be. If everyone tried as hard as Caitin to not be a victim, our lives would be so much better.

Tim in Alaska
What is the truth

i received this book in exchange for an honest review. Briliantly written this thriller will grip you from the first page, and keep you there til the end, but leaving you wanting more. As Caitin regains her strength, healing from her frightening, and horrendous kidnapping, Norman sits by her side. Finding her lying on a beach during a late night walk, injured, close to death, and hypothermic, he rushes to her aid. In the hospital, he never leaves her side, a promise he keeps What happens during that stay, and when she wakes is full of heartfelt determination to protect her from harm. Trying to gain information about what happened relies on memories buried deep, rememberence only during nightmares. Will she succeed in telling who the abductors are, and will the authorities find them. What happens next is unexpected, and will leave you breathless

Brenda Hawkins
Great Story

A beautiful girl is found on a beach in terrible condition, half dead. Nathan finds her and defends her but while doing so gets shot. She begs him not to leave her but little does she know how he came to be there. What happened to her? It's his job to find out.

Linda Collister
Safe and sound?

Nathan rescued her from her abductors but not before she was tortured and abused, then dumped on the beach and left for dead. Who was behind this horrible crime? Will Caitlyn remember and can Nathan protect her. Will their lives ever be the same? Read to find out.

Nightmares all right.

Very difficult to read through. About as far from light-hearted as one can get.
Very well written, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea!